There's got to be a morning after.
On the way into school this afternoon I heard a young lady and two young men joking about the "morning after pill."
The girl, actually, seemed rather frantic. Either she or a friend was currently in need of the morning after pill due to an encounter a couple of days ago. One of the boys joked "It's not the morning after. Better get the 48 hours later pill."
When I was a devout Conservative Republican rather than a Libertarian, the thing that pissed me off the most about left-leaning folks' attitudes was not just their views, but their disrespectful attitude regarding sacred things.
The left has won the abortion debate, for instance, but that's not enough. Bumper stickers have to proclaim all sorts of in-your-face, pro-choice blather. "Keep your laws off of my body." "Don't like abortion? Don't have one." It's not enough that 1.5 million people per year are so fucking stupid that they can't or won't use birth control, but they have to make a mockery over their casual disregard for the sanctity of life.
I do not feel sorry for this girl or her friend, whoever is in such dire "need" of the morning after pill. I hope it is hard to find. I hope it causes her considerable emotional and physical pain. I hope that her mind-numbingly casual attitude about having to run to Walgreens and purchase a prescription that will kill a baby will make her suffer the rest of her life.
Of course, then there is the side of me that thinks "Go to it and good luck." Better that this child wind up spiraling down the toilet bowl in a bloody, unidentifiable mass than be raised by this brainless, immature whore. It's not like we need more people on the planet, anyway. Everywhere you look there are more of us fucking things up, being mean to each other, forming new and ever more ridiculous religions while God continues to hide his or herself. We're a useless species and we spend our days doing utterly meaningless things. The world will survive just fine without another Super America night manager which is likely what this young woman's child would have grown up to be.
The place I work runs an elementary school, and every day I see hundreds of kids and their proud parents entering the building. I see pretty moms playing dress up with their precious little babies, and I wonder: Did they once consider what this child will go through in 18 years, i.e. their first "need" for the morning after pill? Did they stop to consider that this child would not only have to choose a career that they would most likely hate, but also have to wrestle with whether or not they're willing to take the leap at age 38 and extend a middle finger towards the heavens declaring once and for all that they have decided that there is no God? That we are completely alone, the sole repository for life in the Universe, and we lead meaningless existences?
No, all they thought about was the fact that they could buy a stroller, cute clothes, and wacky child-sized sunglasses. That they could get family photos taken during the holidays and indoctrinate their child(ren) with the "one true religion," and hope beyond hope that bird flu doesn't mutate, that Iran doesn't lob nukes at Israel (or us), or that some sicko doesn't lure their child into a car and molest them and then bury them alive.
This blog has gone from a ringing endorsement for life to my views on why life is utterly worthless. All I know is that outside this school, at this very moment, is a young lady who is about to make a decision that will change her life and end another. And she and two friends were laughing about it. I want to cry at the thought of that, yet I also want to applaud her for unwittingly giving her unborn child the greatest gift imaginable: An escape from enduring this horrible, meaningless nightmare called life.
The girl, actually, seemed rather frantic. Either she or a friend was currently in need of the morning after pill due to an encounter a couple of days ago. One of the boys joked "It's not the morning after. Better get the 48 hours later pill."
When I was a devout Conservative Republican rather than a Libertarian, the thing that pissed me off the most about left-leaning folks' attitudes was not just their views, but their disrespectful attitude regarding sacred things.
The left has won the abortion debate, for instance, but that's not enough. Bumper stickers have to proclaim all sorts of in-your-face, pro-choice blather. "Keep your laws off of my body." "Don't like abortion? Don't have one." It's not enough that 1.5 million people per year are so fucking stupid that they can't or won't use birth control, but they have to make a mockery over their casual disregard for the sanctity of life.
I do not feel sorry for this girl or her friend, whoever is in such dire "need" of the morning after pill. I hope it is hard to find. I hope it causes her considerable emotional and physical pain. I hope that her mind-numbingly casual attitude about having to run to Walgreens and purchase a prescription that will kill a baby will make her suffer the rest of her life.
Of course, then there is the side of me that thinks "Go to it and good luck." Better that this child wind up spiraling down the toilet bowl in a bloody, unidentifiable mass than be raised by this brainless, immature whore. It's not like we need more people on the planet, anyway. Everywhere you look there are more of us fucking things up, being mean to each other, forming new and ever more ridiculous religions while God continues to hide his or herself. We're a useless species and we spend our days doing utterly meaningless things. The world will survive just fine without another Super America night manager which is likely what this young woman's child would have grown up to be.
The place I work runs an elementary school, and every day I see hundreds of kids and their proud parents entering the building. I see pretty moms playing dress up with their precious little babies, and I wonder: Did they once consider what this child will go through in 18 years, i.e. their first "need" for the morning after pill? Did they stop to consider that this child would not only have to choose a career that they would most likely hate, but also have to wrestle with whether or not they're willing to take the leap at age 38 and extend a middle finger towards the heavens declaring once and for all that they have decided that there is no God? That we are completely alone, the sole repository for life in the Universe, and we lead meaningless existences?
No, all they thought about was the fact that they could buy a stroller, cute clothes, and wacky child-sized sunglasses. That they could get family photos taken during the holidays and indoctrinate their child(ren) with the "one true religion," and hope beyond hope that bird flu doesn't mutate, that Iran doesn't lob nukes at Israel (or us), or that some sicko doesn't lure their child into a car and molest them and then bury them alive.
This blog has gone from a ringing endorsement for life to my views on why life is utterly worthless. All I know is that outside this school, at this very moment, is a young lady who is about to make a decision that will change her life and end another. And she and two friends were laughing about it. I want to cry at the thought of that, yet I also want to applaud her for unwittingly giving her unborn child the greatest gift imaginable: An escape from enduring this horrible, meaningless nightmare called life.