Stuff du jour.

Saw the definition of irony graphically illustrated this morning. A young lady, probably in her teens, driving a car that sported a Playboy emblem on the back windshield, and a "CHOICE" sticker on the bumper. LIBERATE ME. SUBJUGATE ME. Which is it?
I can now say without a doubt that Gideons exist. I thought they were gnome-like creatures who, under cover of night, left Bibles in motel rooms across America. This morning, however, three well-dressed elderly gentlemen were handing out New Testaments outside my school.

I accepted one gratefully, but can't help but wonder how many students will not only refuse, but complain. My guess is that if the Gideons have not obtained the proper permits, they will politely but firmly be asked to vacate the premises.
Which is fine: if they're not allowed to be there whether by City ordinance or school policy, that's the way the ball bounces. However, given the anti-Christian sentiment I've seen illustrated on campus, particulary at the college newspaper, the Gideons may very well be ridden off campus on a rail.
Tonight I'm attending a Bible study that was recommended by a former co-worker. We'll see how that goes.

Does anyone have any tips on how to "let go"??? As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I have a lot of anger inside and a lot of it is due to ridiculous grudges I'm holding against people. Aside from "leaving it at the Cross," as I'm sure many are tempted to suggest, are there any practical methods by which a person can shed anger?
USA Weekend didn't give me much to work with this week, but I hope to post something anyway. Tonight, Bible study. Tomorrow, bitch-slap pop culture. Perhaps my problem isn't depression, but rather schizophrenia.
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