Miscellaneous crap.

I have a friend who is active in the Young Republicans. She and I had an interesting e-mail exchange today about our respective views of the state of the world.
Suffice it to say she has hope, and God bless her. As I told her, "I hope you're right." Me, as you're aware I've become a Libertarian. Not because I smoke pot, nor because I want to "throw my vote in the toilet," to paraphrase a commenter. No, I've simply given up on the major parties. I won't say "They're all the same," which is the copout of the apolitical. Rather, the results are the same, and that's the problem.
And I can hardly wait for the enlightened comments that will inevitably follow, questioning my patriotism for giving up on the Republican Party. Do me a favor and please don't bother. I'll just toss out a bunch of f-bombs and alienate even more people. I'm still a conservative, but as I've stated ad nauseum recently, I'm sick of attempting to legislate against people's own stupidity. Want an abortion? Have at it, doesn't matter who's in power anyway. Want welfare? Go for it, doesn't matter who's in power anyway. The Republicans will continue rampant cronyism, the Democrats will continue to scream for stringent environmental laws while continuing to live in palaces, and in the end it will be the unwashed masses who will suffer, as always.

This morning I had no class. Nothing new, I'm sure you're thinking, so let me clarify: no classes at school. Instead, I sat at home like I did all summer and wrote for three hours straight.
I forgot how much I love it. The sun was streaming into the study, the cats were asleep at my feet, and I wrote a 3,000+ word essay about attempting to find a public restroom in downtown Minneapolis, which when finished I hope to either post on my blog, or submit to a local publication.
The irony is, my restroom search occurred yesterday while in Minneapolis for a second interview for an administrative position. As I wrapped up the first draft, I received a call from the place stating that for the time being, they've decided not to fill the position. Rather than be disappointed, I thought instead how everything in my life lately, from school to interviews to work itself, serve as little more than fodder for writing ideas. Combine that with the joy I experienced at the comedy club this week and the seemingly never-ending stream of ideas I keep spewing into my voice recorder, and I feel that I'm as close as I've ever been in my 40-year tenure on planet Earth to discovering my purpose.
Pity it comes now, at the end of all things.

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