Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tiring of stupidity.

A woman was recently prohibited from boarding an airplane because she wore a t-shirt bearing caricatures of George Bush and his Cabinet, with a hilarious caption reading:

Meet the Fuckers
Which of course is a parody of the movie "Meet the Fokkers." Predictably, the woman has gone on record as saying her civil rights were violated, and...sniff you smell a lawsuit?
What I want to know is, what about my right not to read the word "fuck" every time I turn around? Every other car sporting a Kerry Edwards bumper sticker (NEARLY A YEAR AFTER THE ELECTION) also has a "Fuck Bush" bumper sticker. T-shirts with the word "fuck" are all the rage in trendy areas like Uptown in Minneapolis.
There are those that might think I'm hypocritical, tossing out the f-bomb quite liberally (pardon the word) on my blog. But the difference is, you have a choice whether or not to read this. When I'm walking down the street or driving, I have no choice but to read the "fuck" emblazoned on your chest or your bumper.
Free speech is not free. It comes with the cost of responsibility. As I've heard stated eloquently on numerous occasions, the right to free speech doesn't mean you get an audience. Wear your offensive t-shirt at home. Wear it to your weekly Socialist Party meeting in a dank coffee house basement. But for God's sake, to quote every leftist I've ever known, quit shoving your beliefs down my throat.