Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What the hell?

I'm really going through some soul-searching lately. There's lots of big changes on the horizon. My wife and I will be moving closer to the Twin Cities; I need to decide whether to continue school or go back to working full-time and focusing on my writing; there's just a million decisions to be made and quite frankly sometimes I get fearful about the future.

Then I log onto the Internet and get a banner ad for this fucking caveman's new TV show:

His new show will be on the Learning Channel, irony of all ironies.

Who is it exactly that clamouring for more of Adam Corolla, for Christ's sake? I know many people who have more talent in their bowel movements than Corolla has exhibited in his entire life, yet they're working 9-5 jobs barely earning a living while this knuckle-dragger wipes his derriere with C-notes.

On one hand Adam Corolla is a symbol of what's great about this nation; a testament that truly anyone can achieve success, extra chromosone or not.

On the other hand, he's a symbol of what I loathe about America. Millions of morons continue to funnel money to this buffoon, their glazed eyes glued to the Man Show, or Loveline, or whatever new turd Corolla chooses to drop on an unsuspecting public.

I really don't even have a point except to say he's a moron.