Cool, freaky shit.

Yeah, Big White Hat, I said "shit."
I really need to join a Philosophy group. For starters, one of my classmates gave a speech yesterday on a Philosopher's theory that movement is impossible. To put it simply, and this is still way over my head, to get anywhere you have to get halfway, which can be expressed mathematically. But to get halfway, you have to get halfway to halfway, which can also be expressed mathematically. The Philosopher's contention is that since numbers are infinite, the halves can eternally be halved, and since it is impossible for a human being to do anything infinite, movement is therefore impossible.
Of course, as with most things Philisophical, the rebuttal of the theory is contained within the theory itself. If mankind is incapable of doing anything infinite, the rules of mathematics don't apply to movement. Hence, movement is possible.
I said "hence." Great fucking word. Yeah, Big White Hat, I said "fucking." Oh, and "ass" too. That's what they call a two-fer-one.
This is a completely ridiculous thing to spend any length of time thinking about, but it's the sort of shit (yes, I said "shit" Big White Hat) that keeps me up all night. There's other things I'd rather have keeping me up at night, but as Mick Jagger eloquently stated you can't always get what you want.

Here's a kick ass link to look at: Motherfucking Infinite Monkeys
Yes, Big White Hat, I said "motherfucking."
I was using the Infinite Monkey Theorem as a reference in a newspaper column, and found this Wikipedia entry about the theory fascinating. If you're not on Wikipedia at least once a day, you're missing one of life's greatest pleasures. Wikipedia and The Onion are a daily must in the Admin Worm camp.
Anyway, enjoy pondering the great mysteries of life. This weekend looks to be busy with lots of homework and housework to catch up on, but if USA Weekend offers up some good pop culture bullshit (yes, Big White Hat, I said "bullshit") Who's News may just make a much-requested comeback this Sunday.
Have a delightful weekend. Excuse me, a delightful fucking weekend.
Just kidding, Big White Hat!
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