Thursday, November 17, 2005

Crashing and burning.

Man, I'm just stressed, tired, and crabby as hell. Nothing worth saying today. My whole body aches from weariness.

It's cold in the Twin Cities. Yeah, not exactly earth-shattering news, but the first "real" cold of the year is always a shocker. Yesterday I took a break to gas up my truck and stop at the Fed Ex box. My gas cap was frozen shut, as was the Fed Ex box.

It's a cold that drills into your bones. When you enter a building and the furnace blasts you, it only warms the surface. Your muscles and joints scream for relief, but nothing shy of a hot bath after work (or the month of June) will do the trick.

Tack onto that the fact that it's pitch dark by 5:00, and suicide hotlines across Minnesota must be lighting up like Christmas trees.

Hey...depressed Tom is back! We missed you, buddy.