Thursday, November 10, 2005

Toughest job in the world.

The toughest job in the world has to be Suicide Bomber Recruiter.

Have they ever considered a new strategy; rather than suicide bombers, how about "Plant it and run like a mother fucker bombers"???

I don't say this to make light of recent events. It just bewilders me that there are people out there completely insane enough to think that taking their own lives and snuffing out the existence of hundreds of innocent people is a guaranteed path to eternal glory.

Methinks quite a different fate awaits them.

There are no words to express the utter loathing I feel for these people. What more barbaric and selfish act can occur than to commit mass murder in the name of religion and/or ideology.

My pal over at Outside the Box expressed dismay over world events, and I don't blame her. When I say that I eagerly look out my window each morning hoping for the specter of horsemen in the sky, I'm not kidding. Not because I crave the end of all things, but because I don't relish the idea of seeing things get worse.