Okay, now I'm mad.

I wanted to ram the person's car, not hard enough to injure but necessitating a stop, so I could shake them by their shoulders and ask "WHY? WHY???"
What do people expect of Hillary? Honestly, what do you think is going to happen? Let's see, she voted FOR the War in Iraq, and she still supports it as evidenced by the fact that Cindy "Psycho" Sheehan wants her head on a stick. She gave up on promoting universal health care. She's done nothing particularly noteworthy during her tenure in the Senate. Oh, and don't forget that the feminist icon Hillary Clinton stayed with her cheating husband, who was disgraced nationally, because it was politically expedient.
And lest you think I'm being a partisan Republican shill, let me say that my point is that Hillary is no better than anyone else. Like every other politico, she has no values. She is for sale to the highest bidder. She stands for nothing, unless it's simply to satiate the left's puzzling desire to be parented by their elected representatives. Hillary will pat you on the head if your house is destroyed by a hurricane, and she'll whisper "There, there..." She'll care, dammit.
But care is all she'll do. She'll accomplish...
My fervent belief is that the media, and the U.S. population as a whole, is slavering over the possibility of our first woman president because they want to be breast fed. Freud would have a field day with modern-day America, because we're honestly to the point where half the population expects Uncle Sam to be its mother.
I'm so ashamed and so fed up I could cry and/or scream.
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