Friday, October 28, 2005

Y'all are crazy.

Please read the following comment posted by my good pal Echotig in response to yesterday's brief post about Harriet Myers:

DANG. You may not like her and all, but to say she's merely a stenographer totally belittles what she is. At least she finished college. This comment shows how little you think of women. But then, I should have known what you think of women after the first post of yours that I read.

Is there anyone left on earth that has any clue what constitutes humor? Is something only funny until it skewers something important to you? I would ask Echotig or anyone else remotely offended by my Harriet Miers joke: have you ever watched the fucking Tonight Show? Ever logged onto the Onion?

Echotig's comment is particulary frustrating because she's been a regular Admin Worm reader and commenter. I have done nothing but express utter reverence for women. I adore my wife, all of my close friends are women, and I identify more with women than I do men.

For anyone to suggest I don't respect women is a slap in the face and an utter show of abject ignorance. I have thus far had two (supposedly) grown men petulantly leave my blog forever due to offense at what I wrote. I encourage Echotig and anyone like her to do the same. If you crave being offended that much, why don't you watch the news and drink in the incessant tales of gang shootings, rapes, cruelty to animals, and pillaging of the environment? It seems to me that these things merit offense more than a one-liner on a fucking blog written by an administrative assistant.