Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oh Lord, has it been a year already?

This is my least favorite day of the year.

It’s the anniversary of the Edmund Fitzgerald sinking. If you’re not familiar with the Edmund Fitzgerald, then you obviously haven’t lived in Minnesota for eleven years and had it shoved down your throat every fucking year.

It was interesting when I heard about it the first time. It was mildly annoying the second time. Subsequent times were a royal pain in the ass. Today it's nearly unbearable.

Yes, it was a tragedy. Yes, Gordon Lightfoot recorded an absolutely awful song about it. Now, can we let it go? Do we need to spend a 24-hour period each year reminiscing about it?

The worst part is that the anniversary of the Edmund Fitzgerald tragedy reminds me that there remain but two weeks before Rush Limbaugh starts using godawful Mannheim Steamroller bumper music on his show. Mannheim Steamroller “music” makes me want to convert to Islam, strap a bomb to my back, and wander into a concert. It’s synthesized, digitized crap that might have seemed clever had Howard Jones played it in 1985, but not any more. Let it the fuck go.

Oh God, the station I’m listening to is actually playing Gordon Lightfoot’s fucking Edmund Fitzgerald song. And this hour is devoted to the shipwreck. People are calling with their thoughts on the sinking of the Edmund Mother Fucking Fitzgerald.

Judas God, just kill me now.