Leab saves the day...again.
I was all set to give the world a big ol' middle-finger today, but Leab posted the following so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Thanks, Leab.
Allergies: Ironically, I’m allergic to cats, but I’d sooner cut off my nose than give them up.
Phobias: Spiders might have been on that list at one time, but I’m getting better about it.
Irrational fears: That my wife will wise up and leave me (this was Leab’s answer, but it goes for me too. Though my wife assures me I deserve her, deep down I have trouble believing or accepting it).
Siblings: Two older brothers.
Girlfriends: Pretty much all my friends are female. My wedding featured all women on both sides. I’m much more comfortable talking to and confiding in women. My wife is a saint for allowing this, and I am eternally grateful for her complete trust.
Pets: Two cats, Buddy Lee and Stella.
Tattoos: Nine.
Friends you don't like: David Schwimmer. Wait, that’s not what you meant. I guess it depends what is meant by “friend.” I definitely have acquaintances who drive me insane, but wouldn’t spend a lot of time with them. Some of my friends definitely have quirks, but these are easily outweighed by their positive traits.
Pet peeves: Talking in movie theatres, impolite driving, uninformed opinions, noisy eating.
Have you ever been:
Arrested: Not arrested, but charged with Disturbing the Peace at age 18. I’ll write about that sometime.
Engaged: Alas, twice.
Married: Twice. First time for eleven years. Current, final, and life-long time 2 ½ years.
Abroad: Yes, I’m married to a broad. I ain’t no homo. Hmmm, I guess add homosexuality to phobias. Just kidding, relax.
Hospitalized: Yes, mental and physical, unfortunately.
Heartbroken: Of course. First time at age 18, but I got a lot of good songwriting out of it. Second time by my current wife, strangely enough, but her breaking my heart was just what I needed to get my shit together and ultimately make it work.
In a fight (of the physical variety): Sort of. Once with a neighborhood bully, but no real punches were thrown. Once an elementary school bully pursued me, but he was so fat that I simply outran him ‘til he gave up.
What is your favorite:
Movie: Defending your Life with Albert Brooks. This movie is the best representation ever of what probably really happens in the afterlife.
Actor: Brad Pitt, primarily because I wish I looked like him.
Album: Queen II, which is Queen’s second album, and is much more than an album, but a story, a journey, a flawless piece of artwork from beginning to end. Breathtaking.
Musician: If “musician” can include a full band, I guess I’d have to say Queen. They were brilliant when they were at their peak.
Author: It’s a toss up between C.S. Lewis, who was not only an amazing author of fiction, but a wonderful theologian as well, and Douglas Adams who was the funniest humor writer of all time.
Book: For sentimental reasons, The Little Prince.
Piece of art-work: Not a big art guy, to be honest.
Story to tell at a dinner party: My tireless quest to win my wonderful wife.
Story to tell on a first date: Anything relating to my two decades in the music business. These stories make me seem like a “bad boy,” which I certainly am not.
Bar, locally: Sophia in Minneapolis. It’s a trip back through time.
City, in the country (and/or in the world): New York City.
Yourself, using ten adjectives: Funny, passionate, morbid, philisophical, opinionated, prudish, depressed, moralistic, angry, insecure.
Your dream home: I have it picked out. When I’m rich and famous, I intend to knock on the door of a particular small home near the Mississippi River in Saint Paul and make the owner an offer they can’t refuse.
Where you want to be in 5 years: Doing something I enjoy for a modest living.
Where you think you will actually be in 5 years: Exactly where I am now; in a dead-end job, completely directionless.
Your ideal partner: Johnny Cochran. Non-law partner, my wife.
A time when you were most happy, or at peace: My wedding day. It was utter perfection from start to finish. Not a single bad memory about that day.
The memory you wish you could forget: Vividly recalling deleting the last ever voice mail from my father before it ended.
The trait you most deplore in others: Stupidity, and there’s so goddamned much of it.
The trait you most deplore in yourself: Oh God, where do I start? My depression, my defeatism, my arrogance, my intolerance, my impatience, my aimlessness, my delusions of grandeur.

Phobias: Spiders might have been on that list at one time, but I’m getting better about it.
Irrational fears: That my wife will wise up and leave me (this was Leab’s answer, but it goes for me too. Though my wife assures me I deserve her, deep down I have trouble believing or accepting it).
Siblings: Two older brothers.
Girlfriends: Pretty much all my friends are female. My wedding featured all women on both sides. I’m much more comfortable talking to and confiding in women. My wife is a saint for allowing this, and I am eternally grateful for her complete trust.
Pets: Two cats, Buddy Lee and Stella.
Tattoos: Nine.
Friends you don't like: David Schwimmer. Wait, that’s not what you meant. I guess it depends what is meant by “friend.” I definitely have acquaintances who drive me insane, but wouldn’t spend a lot of time with them. Some of my friends definitely have quirks, but these are easily outweighed by their positive traits.
Pet peeves: Talking in movie theatres, impolite driving, uninformed opinions, noisy eating.
Have you ever been:
Arrested: Not arrested, but charged with Disturbing the Peace at age 18. I’ll write about that sometime.
Engaged: Alas, twice.
Married: Twice. First time for eleven years. Current, final, and life-long time 2 ½ years.

Abroad: Yes, I’m married to a broad. I ain’t no homo. Hmmm, I guess add homosexuality to phobias. Just kidding, relax.
Hospitalized: Yes, mental and physical, unfortunately.
Heartbroken: Of course. First time at age 18, but I got a lot of good songwriting out of it. Second time by my current wife, strangely enough, but her breaking my heart was just what I needed to get my shit together and ultimately make it work.
In a fight (of the physical variety): Sort of. Once with a neighborhood bully, but no real punches were thrown. Once an elementary school bully pursued me, but he was so fat that I simply outran him ‘til he gave up.
What is your favorite:
Movie: Defending your Life with Albert Brooks. This movie is the best representation ever of what probably really happens in the afterlife.
Actor: Brad Pitt, primarily because I wish I looked like him.

Musician: If “musician” can include a full band, I guess I’d have to say Queen. They were brilliant when they were at their peak.
Author: It’s a toss up between C.S. Lewis, who was not only an amazing author of fiction, but a wonderful theologian as well, and Douglas Adams who was the funniest humor writer of all time.
Book: For sentimental reasons, The Little Prince.
Piece of art-work: Not a big art guy, to be honest.
Story to tell at a dinner party: My tireless quest to win my wonderful wife.
Story to tell on a first date: Anything relating to my two decades in the music business. These stories make me seem like a “bad boy,” which I certainly am not.
Bar, locally: Sophia in Minneapolis. It’s a trip back through time.
City, in the country (and/or in the world): New York City.
Yourself, using ten adjectives: Funny, passionate, morbid, philisophical, opinionated, prudish, depressed, moralistic, angry, insecure.
Your dream home: I have it picked out. When I’m rich and famous, I intend to knock on the door of a particular small home near the Mississippi River in Saint Paul and make the owner an offer they can’t refuse.
Where you want to be in 5 years: Doing something I enjoy for a modest living.
Where you think you will actually be in 5 years: Exactly where I am now; in a dead-end job, completely directionless.
Your ideal partner: Johnny Cochran. Non-law partner, my wife.
A time when you were most happy, or at peace: My wedding day. It was utter perfection from start to finish. Not a single bad memory about that day.
The memory you wish you could forget: Vividly recalling deleting the last ever voice mail from my father before it ended.

The trait you most deplore in others: Stupidity, and there’s so goddamned much of it.
The trait you most deplore in yourself: Oh God, where do I start? My depression, my defeatism, my arrogance, my intolerance, my impatience, my aimlessness, my delusions of grandeur.
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