Post finals blues.

Well, finals are done. This occasion lacks impact for a non-traditional student like me. The punk kids I have class with, they’re off to party for a month, perhaps work a shift or two at Best Buy, play video games, etc. Me, I was off to work as always after class. Same old same old.
Well, maybe not quite the same. Today was an interesting day at work. The company I work for is up for sale, and today we had a meeting where the head honchos filled the grunts in on events to date. A spreadsheet was distributed (I love spreadsheets) and one of the columns dealt with the fate of existing employees.
Now I’m listening to “Making Love Out of Nothing at All.” Great song. Similar to “Surf’s Up” by Meatloaf, which contains my second favorite guitar solo of all time. My favorite guitar solo is in “Love Hurts” by Nazareth. Listen to that solo closely someday. If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice that the guitarist strikes the string but twice during the whole solo. The rest of it is feedback, harmonics, and string bending. Very powerful and emotional.
Anyway, the spreadsheet column in question mentioned something to the effect of “Full-time employees are expected to remain employed.” Stress full-time.
I posited a question: Does that mean the part-time administrative assistant—me, Admin Worm—would be fired???

That would be a big ol' affirmative.
I could tell that the big wigs felt bad, as did the other grunts. The thing is, I’m fine with it. They need to do what they need to do, and I never thought I’d be drawing a pension from this company. I have a million irons in the fire, as you’re aware, and I’ve found jobs before. I will survive, as Gloria Gaynor said, though I’m not listening to that song. For some reason I’m listening to “Moon River” by Andy Williams. What the fuck?
Now I’m downloading “Surf’s Up” by Meatloaf. I need to hear that solo. And now “The Luckiest” by Ben Folds is playing. Have you heard this song? If not, you’re missing one of life’s great pleasures. I sang this song for my wife at our wedding reception. We hired a jazz trio to play, and the pianist was kind enough to learn this song for me. I serenaded my wife, and after 20 years of performing live this was the most frightening and rewarding performance of my life.

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.
Anyway, I was writing about my job, but somehow that doesn’t seem quite so important right now. I will say that the full-time people at my company deserve to remain employed. We have a great group of field folks and this could be a fantastic opportunity for them.
Now I’m listening to “Do You Believe In Love?” by Huey Lewis and the News. Great song, great harmonies.
Today I did three good deeds, so I’m hoping that God rewards me with something good.

Did you know that Deborah (formerly Debbie) Gibson, former teen pop idol, appeared nude in Playboy Magazine? A classmate told me that today, and I was mortified. Mind you, not so mortified that I didn’t track down the photographs tonight. I don’t know what to say. Tiffany I could see doing that—in fact did see—but Debbie Gibson? I thought she had class. That really bums me out.
Well, this was an earth-shattering blog, eh?
Now I’m listening to “Prowler” by Iron Maiden, a song about a Peeping Tom masturbating in the bushes while watching a young woman undress. And I’m the guy who complained about “My Humps” by Black Eyed Peas.

Now I’m listening to “Wrathchild” by Iron Maiden. How fitting.

And I downloaded "Surf's Up" by Meatloaf...and it's a re-release, so the guitar solo is different.
Sigh. Good night.
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