Hello, it's me.
Okay, it was an awful week for writing.
I’ve decided that the best thing I can do for the blog is twofold. First, try to “free write” for perhaps ten minutes per day to stay in practice. Second, post my columns (as usual). Sunday is traditionally Who’s News day, but today I just couldn’t muster the time or vitriol to do it justice.
The big news: I left my position as Editorial Assistant for the Gazette. The full-time staff writer position I aspired to was put on indefinite hold and I could no longer justify commuting 60 miles each day for a 30-hour per week, $9 per hour position that would lead nowhere. Yes, you heard me right: $9 per hour. The experience was tremendous and I am still writing my column, so everything worked out well in that respect. This week’s column will be extra-special and I’ll post it tomorrow.
Last week I began a position as Communications Coordinator for a Minneapolis synagogue. I know what you’re saying: “But Admin Worm, you’re not Jewish.” Don’t tell them that. Seriously though, they have an open-door policy for Gentiles and while the position is stressful I think it might ultimately prove very rewarding. I’m responsible for updating their website, sending out newsletters; virtually every piece of public relations that leaves their doors will ultimately be my responsibility. Their material is very “dry” right now, and I hope to spice it up a little.
I’m somewhat of an armchair historian on the Holocaust and I therefore feel honored to work for such a place. I hope to learn a lot about the Jewish faith and about communications and I look forward to sharing that knowledge with you via my blog. The pay is awesome and the benefits are great. Combined with the sizeable tax refund I mentioned last week, my wife and I’s dream of owning home will likely come true this fall, though I screwed up the tax thing: Today I mailed the forms but forgot to include W-2’s and other attachments, therefore our refund will be delayed. I’m an idiot.
If you haven’t checked out my internship diary I encourage you to do so. I’ve received a surprising number of e-mails from all over the country about this. The host I worked for is apparently moving to Atlanta and I received an e-mail from the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper asking me to go “on the record” about my experience at the radio station. I’ll keep you posted on that. It’s funny, I long felt that I should beef up the journal and have it published, and all of a sudden it’s being circulated all over the place.
I’ll try to do better about writing this week, though with the full-time work schedule and crazy school schedule it will be difficult. Click on the links to my blogging pals, check back for my newspaper columns and feel free to chat amongst yourselves.
I’ve decided that the best thing I can do for the blog is twofold. First, try to “free write” for perhaps ten minutes per day to stay in practice. Second, post my columns (as usual). Sunday is traditionally Who’s News day, but today I just couldn’t muster the time or vitriol to do it justice.
The big news: I left my position as Editorial Assistant for the Gazette. The full-time staff writer position I aspired to was put on indefinite hold and I could no longer justify commuting 60 miles each day for a 30-hour per week, $9 per hour position that would lead nowhere. Yes, you heard me right: $9 per hour. The experience was tremendous and I am still writing my column, so everything worked out well in that respect. This week’s column will be extra-special and I’ll post it tomorrow.
Last week I began a position as Communications Coordinator for a Minneapolis synagogue. I know what you’re saying: “But Admin Worm, you’re not Jewish.” Don’t tell them that. Seriously though, they have an open-door policy for Gentiles and while the position is stressful I think it might ultimately prove very rewarding. I’m responsible for updating their website, sending out newsletters; virtually every piece of public relations that leaves their doors will ultimately be my responsibility. Their material is very “dry” right now, and I hope to spice it up a little.
I’m somewhat of an armchair historian on the Holocaust and I therefore feel honored to work for such a place. I hope to learn a lot about the Jewish faith and about communications and I look forward to sharing that knowledge with you via my blog. The pay is awesome and the benefits are great. Combined with the sizeable tax refund I mentioned last week, my wife and I’s dream of owning home will likely come true this fall, though I screwed up the tax thing: Today I mailed the forms but forgot to include W-2’s and other attachments, therefore our refund will be delayed. I’m an idiot.
If you haven’t checked out my internship diary I encourage you to do so. I’ve received a surprising number of e-mails from all over the country about this. The host I worked for is apparently moving to Atlanta and I received an e-mail from the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper asking me to go “on the record” about my experience at the radio station. I’ll keep you posted on that. It’s funny, I long felt that I should beef up the journal and have it published, and all of a sudden it’s being circulated all over the place.
I’ll try to do better about writing this week, though with the full-time work schedule and crazy school schedule it will be difficult. Click on the links to my blogging pals, check back for my newspaper columns and feel free to chat amongst yourselves.
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